1.  Hongquan is an excellent traditional folk martial art. Along with Lau, Choy, Li and Mok, known as the top five famous punches of southern China. It has a history of over 300 years. At present, there are three main theories about Hongquan's origin: 

1- The first talks about the destruction of the Fujian Shaolin temple in southern China, where five Shaolin monks managed to escape from the destruction. 

2- The second theory talks about a boxing technique created by the officer and tea merchant Hong Xi by integrating the martial arts he learned. 

3- The third is about a secret boxing created during the Qing Dynasty period, giving a strong boost to the people's rebellions in southern China. 

Of course, it is not established that Hongquan originated from the Southern Shaolin Temple. After all, the specific location of the monastery is also uncertain; Hongquan was probably not created by Officer Hong Xi, although he is an important figure in the history of Hongquan's legacy, mentioned in many historical materials along with Hongmen. So we think the third version of Hongquan's origin is the most compelling. Believing that it was passed down from the martial skills and sword technique of the armies of the Ming dynasty. At that time, they were dispersed by the Qing army and generals and soldiers were sent to the people teaching martial techniques to the village elders. In fact, Hongquan's three origins are also related to each other and are not contradictory. According to the analysis of historical data, Fujian's Southern Shaolin Temple does not specifically refer to a certain temple or place, but to multiple temples and regions, in the late Ming Dynasty. So we have reason to believe that the three origin legends could be organically linked. 
In the book "Five Zumen Study" it is mentioned that both Hongquan and Nanquan styles are related to Taizuquan. In the first year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty (1662), Zheng Chenggong's assistant Chen Yonghua (of Quanzhou Tong'an), after Zheng Chenggong's death, "was concerned for a long time about the transmission of such martial arts, given the problems that the old Ming dynasty was going through with the advent of the Qing, thinking that there would be no heirs or successors ". Thus in the thirteenth year of Emperor Kangxi, an alliance between martial artists was formally created, thus initiating the development of the organization "The Heaven and Earth Society", also known as the Hongmen Society, Triad Society and Three-Point Society, building on thus, as a political purpose for the anti-Qing. There were many party members in coastal provinces such as Taiwan, Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong and it was thanks to this that Hongquan was introduced to the southern provinces. During the anti-British struggle in Sanyuanli, Guangzhou and the Cunjinqiao anti-French struggle in Zhanjiang at the end of the Qing dynasty, Hongquan's disciples were deeply remembered for their help in the society of the time, which brought Hongquan into every corner of the people of the south during these rebellions and thus have a profound impact. 
After the development of the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China, Hongquan became the biggest boxing type in Lingnan where many masters appeared. Among them, we mention Tit Kiu Saam, Wong Fei Hong, Lin Shirong in the Pearl River region, Lin Weilong and Huang Qinglong in the Maoming region of Zhanjiang, based on the inheritance of the basic boxing method, innovation, enrichment and continuous improvement of the Hongquan system. The development of the style has made great contributions, making Hongquan spread all over the world. Nowadays, there are many Hongquan practitioners in Hong Kong, Macau, the United States, Europe, Australia and other places to become one of the most influential martial arts in the world. 
Hongquan's boxing routines include various complexes with the techniques of the five animals (crane, snake, tiger, leopard and dragon) having as common representation with all families, three main boxing:

Gung Jee Fook Fu Kuen (Tiger Subjugation)

Fu Hook Seung Ying Kuen (double form of tiger and crane)

Tit Sin Kuen (wire boxing)

 Weapon routines include: single-headed staff, double-headed staff, long staff, spear, saber, large palladium (three-pointed), double knife, halberd, large ax, single whip, double whip, double mace, double hammer, meteor hammer, bench and many more.

2. The basic techniques of Hong Quan
1. Requirements for the static technique of the human body
The so-called "Keeping healthy" through calm and self-cultivation through movement. The balance of mind and spirit are very important in the static technique. Confucius once said that "The benevolent person lives a long time". Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory also believes that "If justice is stored, evil cannot be done." Extend life and strengthen the body through external training, so it can be said that Qi (internal energy) training is the fundamental goal of all martial arts training. Hongquan emphasizes more coordination exercises inside and outside the body. In terms of appearance, the head should be level with the pelvis and heels and a stable posture must be maintained. The inner spirit must look at the eyes, listen to all directions, intentionally hold the "Dantian" and force the legs. Shoulders sunken and relaxed, full chest, round shoulder blades, round back, waist in line with the feet, elbows lowered, crease in the abdomen, elevation of the anus, buttocks straightened and toes grasping the ground. Regulating the Qi with the body and soliciting the strength with the Qi in stillness, "Like a beast that howls watching the mountains and rivers move with the wind and the clouds".
2. Requirements for human dynamic techniques
In Hongquan's theoretical system there is the ancient philosophy of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. The essence, qi, spirit, strength and bones of the human body must be exercised, in fact, in addition to the distinction between Yin and Yang, his techniques also include the theory of the five elements and five animals. Practice the dragon fist for the spirit (gold), the crane fist for stability and balance (earth), the snake fist for qi (water), the tiger fist for strength (fire), the fist of leopard for bones (wood). The main manifestations are: body, eyes, hands, steps, spirit, mind, qi and strength are internally and externally coordinated, the mind walks with the body, Yin and Yang change each other and the five elements are interpolable. When applying kicking force, bend the knees, close the hips, turn the waist, accumulate first and then emit sounds according to the situation. Awareness of offense and defense as well as all action is shown through eye contact to achieve both form and spirit.
3. Requirements for general sports techniques
Hongquan's basic sports technique is characterized by the thrust force with the air and the emission of certain sounds. Based on natural breathing, abdominal breathing should be used to hold, exhale and inhale. Spirit and energy must cooperate with the internal and external breath of the body movement. The force is free to withdraw and the breath is orderly and uniform. There are "twelve bridge hands" and they are divided into: Hard Bridge, Soft Bridge, Crowded Bridge, Direct Bridge, Divider Bridge, Stabilizing Bridge, Reserved Bridge, Regular Bridge, Submissive Bridge, Sending Bridge, Lift Bridge, and Single Bridge inch. The law of use pays attention to the "twelve bridge method", which is expressed as wearing, sinking, dividing, transferring, touching, pushing, searching, grinding, hanging, bumping, blocking and splitting. Then there are "twelve bridge horses" ie twelve leg positions such as Siping Horse, Meridian Horse, Fuhu Horse, Qilin Horse, Hanging Horse, Single Crane Horse, Chinese Character Horse, Triangle Horse, Defeated Horse, Horse for vaulting, T-shaped horse, Horse with claw. According to the leg and arm work the general movement technique should be "strength from the feet and strength from the waist", the body should be upright, the horse's step should be stable when the force is exerted, the fists should be strong and powerful. Imagine the momentum and reproduce it, turn the palms in a chain, using the spiral forcefully to be able to control the enemy.
4. Requirements for offensive and defensive techniques
The characteristics of Hongquan's offensive and defensive techniques are: defense-oriented, offensive and defensive intertwining, attack and defense, lightning and interception, frontal breakthrough, combination of length, serial attack, ingenious entry, rigidity and flexibility. Its movements are simple, the lower part is firm. The Hongquan system has numerous techniques, a rigorous structure and a combination of movements that can be used to block opponents like a vortex. In actual combat, he doesn't use clumsy power to beat people up, but uses clever techniques to subdue them. Its characteristics are open and closed offensive techniques linked by elbow strikes. Be cautious in the moment of movement, paying attention to the need to enter and exit the action. An old Chinese poem says: "Four fingers hold the sky, the elbow and shoulder are the true story, there is no magic in Shaolin, and the Zen master with the arm wrestling is in vain".


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